Monday, September 3, 2007

My first entry

As I sit here enterning my information into cyberspace I think "wow, life IS NOT like this in the Solomons." Then I think- "who ever reads this may think- life will be like this soon enough in the Solomons." But it's just not true... There are so many places in the world and the U.S. that you cannot be connected to the internet. This does not mean that we shouldn't connect- but it is interesting to me that the assumption (especially in the first chapter of the book "A New Literacies Sampler") is made that All people can be connected and ARE connected all of the time. hmmm. My rambling will become clearer as I think and articulate myself better. As for now, I think that we need to remember that our technological life is "connected" to the developed western world... and even there, we still have big gaps in how far a cell phone signals will reach, not to mention wireless internet.

1 comment:

Louann Reid said...

That's a great point, Tami. We need to always be alert to the need for thinking more broadly. There are parts of the world that are not connected. What are the implications of that, I wonder, for them and for us? (see, even our language sets up a binary opposition)